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World rare diseases day

As a B2B marketing agency that focuses on healthcare marketing alongside engineering and IT, we put a lot of effort into content marketing. Strong storytelling and credible content creation are two powerful tools to inform and engage patients, doctors or other stakeholders.

Creating awareness

A diagnosis in rare diseases is crucial. Because of our years of expertise in healthcare, we are very closely involved in everything that moves and lives in the medical world. We follow trends closely and, together with our clients, make sure to develop the best possible tools and create sufficient awareness around a rare or life-threatening disease.

Information tools rare diseases

A very important aspect in healthcare content strategy is valuable patient communication. Especially with rare diseases, it is of the utmost importance to develop content that is correct and strong communication tools so that patients have enough info and can take the right steps.


Want to know more about our expertise in health marketing?

Contact Anne-Mie Vansteelant
+32 (0)55 59 10 07.

Anne-Mie Vansteelant
Anne-Mie Vansteelant
COO | Managing Partner at Living Stone

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World rare diseases day

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